Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Wow i have not been blogging for 2 months.. Guess i am not a good blogger ba..
Hahas this two mths is quite a busy mth..
Had two job to handle. Christmas Party. Christmas Gift..
Finally is all settle! Good Job Sharon!

I am still thinking how to tell boss that i want to quit as i want to focus on my last 3 mths. But who will believe that ITE need time to study!? But it's true i have tons of notes to memorise! Tons of project coming up next i really need time to do all this job! Oh forget to meation i have given up the job at bugis as I NEED TIME!
Let nature take course ba..

Christmas Party.. Well it ended smoothly.. Honest speaking i felt that it was my party as everything was going acording to my plan.. HoHoHo! From place to food BUT without the help of my sister and managers this party will not go as smoothly as it will be thanks all! <3

Christmas Gift.. Well because this year almost all my friends bought present for me during my birthday I felt so bad that i never buy anything for them so I have a big headache when it comes to christmas.. MONEY AND TYPE OF GIFT! Finally everything is settle! YAY! Everybody got something small really hope that they like it alot!

Well today i wanted to use lucky day to decribe it but.. I am not sure as my phone had a heart attack when i was on my way to work so I went to qunnie sister boyfriend shop for help but unfortunatly he was not there instead i think is his partner helped me! Lucky the phone on by itself again. He said that it is the system problem blah here blah there (i dont quite understand as i am not a phone system expert) butt anw as long as it still can use then nevermind le ba.. But if *touchwood* it happen again i think i must go find him le as i still need this phone for 7 more months at least!
After i *choing* to the MRT Station and go to work.. Lucky I was not late PHew! ANd so Working time.. Soon i received a msg frm my boss as expected msg ( as everytime my boss will msg me her target sales for today ....) BUT this time round is a msg that tell me that she dunno what Christmas Gift to buy for me so she asked me to choose $30 of items from cart. When i saw this msg I was mad happy! I love the things at the cart but i was way too expensive for me! sO iN the end i choose the file that i wanted since the first day of work.. I intend to go for the red but too bad customer took it so i go for the light pink, A laptop sticker ( at first I wanted to buy it but in the end it was a gift.. Wahahas) and a scrapbook (orange)..
Happy tO THE MAX! Then when work end Kent and his wife bought me smth too its a scraf (Grey) More happy!
SO when home by taking MRT.. When reach Yishun I was hungry so decided to go 7/11 and buy instant noodle but it is way too ex. and only selective brands.. so i walk around and saw HELLO KITTY Handphone chain Promotion! But sadly it is based on luck and each cost $1.90! But you know as a HK LOVER I bought one and when i open it.. to my surprise it was the one i wanted! Happy! I am still thinking if i want to continue as the promotion ends at 4 Jan 2011! Hmm shall see how ba..

Ok that will be all for today.. Going Malaysia tommorow with Jas and Quinny! As usual Quinny is our tourguide.. Heheh hope tmr i will get what i wanted and i will have a lot a lot of fun... I bet i will!! Nights World! ^^


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