Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Suddenly feel like blogging today.. Wahahahahs..
Hmm this few days was quite ok..

Monday went to see doc becus i overslept(shhhh).. On my way to polyclinic i saw Jas she was in her way back from coffee shop i suppose as she was carrying food with her.. After that got a message from ravin tht say come collect your present.. I was like present? hmm when i asked him he said it was from kumar.. hahahas cant believe he brought me something i was just playing with him de lo.. (OPS! Jas gonna kill me) hahahas.. Hmm and so before I went to my yoga lesson I drop by the store to collect my present Victor and Quinny was there Victor even tot that it was my Birthday! LOL Heartless boss doesnt he know that he once wished me HB on March! They both was curious BUT I didnt open it as hahahs i am in rush liao ma.. After went to my yoga class and IT WAS LOL!! Lessson is getting more and more difficult! I cant even bend lo!!But it was fun.. =] Looking forward to the next lesson!

Tuesday hmmm tue was a LOL day! cannot believe lesson ended at 12pm and i have to roam the street for 3 hrs!I went to ToaPayoh to buy those handmade key chain for Mardina & Kumar after that went to BK to have my meals (Yum YUm cause i ordered my favourite BBQ Turkey Bacon Double.. ) Hahahs.. After meals i went to catch the train and head to bugis after that i walked around BHG saww alot of nice rings want to buy but.. (you know I know) And so went to work.. Hmmm when i reached I saw new faces but the voices was familiar.. It was my boss.. Hahahs can you believed it I worked for 2 mth and ytd was the first time i met my boss. Hmm he was a outgoing person.. I love the was she speak very straight very funny.. Totally love this kind of boss. But sometime she may be a little fierce( that was what the rest told me).. Hmm becus of her support and help that day i managed to hit 1k!! YAY Happy TTM! =]

TODAY! Wednesday.. I didnt went school today becus of the career fair as it happened to be today when i have to work at 4pm.. Simei to Bugis.. From 1 end to the other end so.. Hmm today sales for work is bad but thankfully I managed to make it less bad.. Also dunno what i am trying to say.. Hahahs.. Oh ya before i went to catch my bus home i went to DIVA for a shop and brought myself a ring! =] Nice nice flora ring quite ex but i like it alot! shall not spend $ liao cause i still need to save for BALI ISLAND! cant believe it is 1 mth time now! BALI I AM COMING!! Aww Ahkim and JiuJiu is going soon and i still have to wait.. SO SAD!! How i wish I have holiday so I can go with them! Nvm 1 more mth!! =]

Okay shall stop now.. Tmr plan: School at 8am.. After that maybe shall go SSC daiso for a shop to buy some deco and stuff for my room as it is turing....
Hhahahhs so BYE NOW! =]


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