Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tuesday 21st September 1o.. HOT!

Had a fun day today with Peiiling.. k at 2pm to 5pm den movie at 7plus.. resident evil 3D was great! blood even splashed to my lens.. hahas.. OH! i did smth stupid again! i put my popcorn on my leg and gt a shocked so the whole popcorn fell on the ground and most worst part is peiling drink fall dwn too... i felt so bad! Why am i so clumsy! haiz.. i really hope my sotong virus can just go away.. truely i dun like being a sotong! :-(.. BTW gg out with her was so fun i wordering did she have fun too anot.. i hope so..
Now i am off to bed le hope i will have a sweet sweet dreams.. hehe..


Blogger JiaHui said...

Dunoe who say will update her blog! untill nwow haven update:X

October 22, 2010 at 9:49 AM  

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