Friday, August 6, 2010

FRI, 06 AUG 2010.. HOT!!!

I missed school today!! I decided to go after thinking and deciding it yesterday in the end i still missed it..BOO!!

Never mind! Today went for lunch with Meiling JieJie and her son WeiQiang at Khatib Mac actually intend to eat at coffee shop but the weather is too hot so the best place to go is still Mac.. =] I had Nuggets while they ate macchicken.. After that JieJie accompany the whole khatib to look for handphone buyer for that brother LG crystal phone as he did not want it anymore and wish to sell it out fast BUT the problem is every handphone buyer pricing is lower than singtel trade-in price therefore i went around and help him check out. In the end we sell it to our so-called regular visit store that is near mac there as he give me the best price among all! =] This thing took me the whole day without gaining anything hahas who ask him is my brother what can i do??!! After seling the phone we went to Mac again for ice-cream!! (YumYUmYum!!)when i say the weather is hot it is sure damn hot de lo! After ice-cream we had to go on separate ways as I need to go fetch my little "boyfriend" come my house for a stayover..=]

Overall I am lucky that i have someone who is willing to help me accompany go anywhere everytime when i needed such help my jiejie is always be there! Thanks Jie! I dunno if she will to see this but i am really happy that you will be there to help me with such things everytime and any time!! =]

Whoooo.. Now i need to go play viwawa with my "little bf" liao as he is getting bored!=]
Ps: Actally he is my cousin hahas "ByE" everyone! =]


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