Monday, August 23, 2010

23 August 1o Rainy Days

whooooo... today weather is so cold.. hmm where should i start first. From the start den.
Today I met jie at khatib as i want to go for pendicure to get rid of the thick skin that had been hunting me a few days.. So after lunch we went to the medicure shop that is near to my work place.. stay there about a few hours cause still must wait for my turn.. when it is my turn i am so happy hahas she wash my leg first after that she start 'cuting' the death skin when it is all done i was so shocked becus i cant believe there are so many death skin stuck at my feet.. After that she ask me to choose a colour for my nail but i can decide so i ask her to choose for me. She choose purple at first i was kinda regret for this colour but when jie ask her to draw flower for me it was so nice so after all it is worth it..
hmm now that my feet is less painful i am so relieve i was so scared it will turn into a disgusting corn.. lucky after pedi it became less hard than it used to be liao. all thanks to the person and of course my wonderful jiejie too.. hehe


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